a co do EU/US bety to chyba jest garsc nowego info - nowe drzewka:http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/5782/ussrm.jpghttp://img171.imageshack.us/img171/9715/germany.jpghttp://img708.imageshack.us/img708/2267/usar.jpgwyciagniete z forum rosyjskiego wiec nie przeczytalem co i jak, ale chyba takich wersji mozna sie spodziewac
IMPORTANT: The system of gold assignment will be changed! Now, one gold is equal to 400 credits; each day a player will receive 250 of gold which can be exchanged into 100,000 credits. It means that 1 "older" type of gold will be equal now to 250 "new". The system has been changed in order to lower the price on some types of shells and make the economy system more loyal to players.