What you will do: Deploy a blast of ice to freeze a massive monster in its tracks, allowing one of your friends to fling an unnecessarily large stone at it, only to miss and hit you instead, crushing your frail sorcerer instantly and sending your corpse bouncing clean out of the level. The monster unfreezes, turns and begins chasing your friend around in a Benny Hill style.
Available: 25 January 2011 - 9,99€ Purchase by January 31st and receive the "Wizard's Survival Kit" DLC including: * Wizard's Hat (item) - No wizard of note would ever be seen outdoors without one of these pointy hats. * Sharp Sword (item) - The instruction reads “stick them with the pointy end”. Good to have in a pinch. * Staff +1 (item) - Whack your foes over the head, use it to prod mucky waters or lean on it to look cool - the staff +1 let’s you do all of it in style. * Meteor Shower (new Magick) - Rain burning rocks down on your enemies. ‘Nuff said.