:PC-question registration on The Best Buy chat tonight was hit and miss. The Treyarch Devs, David Vonderhaar and Dan Bunting avoided some of the questions - but not all. Many of the answers we got were already known to us in the community. The few things we were not aware of were not head-turners.Here's a small list. Kudos to H4WKE, 4Mori_RaBBiT and GamerofFreedom for hanging in the chatroom and filtering out all the non-PC stuff.1. The field of view is changeable up to a maximum of 80 degrees.2. What server settings will we be able to change?DavidVo: We haven't released the full list but I think most PC server admins should be satisfied.3. Playlist questions were popular with everyone this week. Here's one question that got through to the devs:ABC_Darth_Rogue: Can we create mixed playlists such as CTF and S&D on the same ranked server? Will the admin tool be included with the game or third party like RCON? Will you be allowing Steam to permit users who pre-purchase the game to pre-load the game files to avoid long download times?DavidVo: You can tell the server which base Playlist and then you can do exclusions. So as long as we have a playlist with mixed modes, you'll be able to customize from there. For example: Ditching a map you don't want in rotation. 4. You will be able to edit your PC player configs.Lionmouth: Will PC users be able to edit their MP configuration. If so, how in-depth (edit crosshair placement). DanBu: You can edit the same configs that you've always been able to edit, but those changes are not supported by Treyarch.5. chitownforlife asked "Will barebones PC use pistols as a secondary weapon?". Von came back with:"Barebones is no different on the PC than it is on the consoles. Right now, we have all secondary weapons being available and most of those weapons are pistols. But it's not specfically limited to pistols. Don't fret tho. Most launchers need a lock on making them not so great vs infantry.6. Tactical Realism also came up. BlackhawkDD asked "Unranked or Ranked for tatical realism servers on the pc?". Von replied: "For a PC gamer, I would think you would be happier with Unranked. Ranked does have hardcore and barebones, however. That's fairly tatical in nature."7. An RCON program will ship with the game. As well, we had this server admin related question:LevelUpAdrian: I've purchased a ranked server for the PC version - if that's full on launch night, is there a way to remotely kick people?DanBu: Yes, you will be able to kick and ban from your ranked servers.8. Noobeffect asked: "Will PC players see numbers or bars in the ping/latency column on the scoreboard?". Von's reply: "Hi Noob. PC gamers have a ping column on the scoreboard. It refreshes really fast."9. I've noticed many ex-CoD4 competitive players gearing up lately, in the hopes that they will soon be playing CoD:BO in tournaments, so this question is timely:capzlol: Im really only going to play this game if its competitive and it probably wont be competitive until mod tools are out. So what time do you think mod tools will be released? DanBu: No ETA on mod tools release yet...The game will ship with highly competitive modes like hardcore, barebones, and any number of custom game modes that you create in the Custom Games editor. You've also got Wager Match which is crazy intense...Most competitive I've felt playing a game in years. 10. Speaking of Wager matches..razdor: How will wager matches work on the PC? Will it use dedicated servers that are up by Treyarch? if so, what will happen if all the slots in those servers are taken at one point?DavidVo: We have officially ranked Wager Match servers. Once the 6 fill up, the server doesn't allow anymore in. Think of it like a Dedicated Server with 6 slots. Run by us.11. Steam pre-loads are underway.12. Lean will return. Q and E keys will be bound as default.