PC UpdateOn the PC side, we're pleased to report that we've put together our first game update, bringing two immediate improvements to Brink:It greatly enhances the crash reports we're getting through Steam, with more detailed information coming our way from now on. While this doesn't sound very exciting for you as a player, it's really useful for the Brink team as it'll allow us to track down the underlying issues much more quickly and work on fixes for them – particularly stability issues relating to compatibility.This update also fixes an issue where closing the game before getting to the character selection screen can corrupt your character data and make it unusable. Until the game update comes out, we strongly recommend not shutting Brink down during start-up to avoid this issue altogether.Better yet, this update is already on the way to Steam and you'll get it automatically through the Steam client as soon as it's out.In other PC news, we've also been working closely with the guys over at Bethesda Softworks to identify and solve any hardware compatibility issues that people have been reporting. For the AMD graphics card owners out there, make sure you've installed the latest AMD video drivers as that will solve a fair few of the visual and performance issues out there. Similarly, if you have an NVIDIA card and are experiencing issues with the game, make sure you've got the latest NVIDIA video drivers installed.The next game update for the PC version is already in the works, and includes a fix for the FOV issue some of you have been reporting on the forums, among several other things. We'll have more information to share on that soon.Statistics SiteWe've also seen a few questions about the Brink statistics website and what you should be doing with the VIP code that's displayed in the game. When the Brink statistics site launches on http://www.BrinkTheGame.com, you'll be able to register a profile on there and can then use the VIP code from inside the game to link your Xbox 360 gamertag/PSN ID/Steam ID to it. More details on all of that soon!Lastly, please do keep your Brink feedback coming. It's really useful to us and we really do check all of it. We have teams at Splash Damage and Bethesda dedicated full time to resolving any issues you discover.That's it for now - thanks for reading and see you online in Brink!